10 Days of Journal Prompts and Meditations to Create a Ritual of Healing
Healing begins in the manageable moments we do on the regular
We create routines to help us heal!
Does it feel like you are searching for something or feeling stuck after your loss?
Have you lost motivation?
Are you finding it hard to sleep?
Is your mind racing?
Are you searching for routine to help you feel grounded?
Do you feel like you need a gentle push to help you create a ritual to help you heal?
If you are nodding yes to any of these - this is the course to help you.
When I lost our twins and Loey, I did not have the energy nor the brain power to take care of myself. I knew that self care was important and that writing would help me heal, but I didn’t have the energy to think about what I needed to do.
When I was able to create morning routines, it changed my life.
I was able to become more aware of my emotions, I was able to create space for me to really look deep inside and give myself what I needed to heal.
I LOVE the journal prompts and the yoga nidra in this course.
I needed help sleeping after my loss, and listening to the yoga nidra meditation shifted my nervous system from flight and fight to rest and restore.
As we create rituals, we also create space for healing.
We create space to help us process our grief, and to find an outlet for our emotions.
By doing this course, you will create a mindful practice and bring a sense of mindfulness around your grief and loss in order to help you survive your days.
Routines help us to do what we may not be motivated to do on our own.
This is why I created this course.
I have included everything that helped me as I was trying to make sense of my loss, and create a healthy and healing routine for myself.
This 10-day course is designed to help you create a journal, meditation, creative, and self care routine that you can do for the next 10 days, or you can repeat it as many times as you need to gain a deeper healing experience after loss and grief.
What you get:
You will receive 10 days worth of goodness to help you create a
ritual of healing. You don't have to think about it - I do that for you.
1. A Guided Meditation Audio
2. A Yoga Nidra Audio [to help you sleep / rest]
3. 10 days of Journal Prompts
4. 10 days of Self-Care Tips
5. 10 days of Photo Challenges to help create a healing collage.
How it works:
1. Look at your calendar on your wall or on your phone or in your planner.
2. Pick a time in your day to put aside 30 minutes or an hour - BOOK IT and set your reminder. Don’t worry if you don’t feel like doing it every day, because with grief we don’t know what each day will give us, so be gentle.
3. Open and listen to the day’s audio, where I will explain the day’s theme and what to expect. Each day has the same format, so you don’t have to think about it too much.
4. Open and listen to the meditation or yoga nidra. I use the same guided meditation and yoga nidra throughout the course so that your mind, spirit, and body will recognize it and become familiar with it. This will allow you to relax and meditate easier each time.
5. Open the Journal Prompt after your meditation. The mediation was designed to clear your mind and create a sacred space for you to write freely. Once you've created this sacred space, it's now time to dive deeper. Don’t worry about how much you write - just write anything that comes to mind. The act of pen to paper is truly healing for your soul.
6. Open the Self-Care Tip of the day. I encourage you to implement each tip as soon as you can. It will help you emotionally, as well as prepare you for each day.
7. Open the Photo Challenge. Just like your self-care tip, I encourage you to take your photo as soon as you can, especially so that you don’t forget. At the end of the 10 days, you will be able to create a collage either on your phone or perhaps printing the photos to create a vision board for your new life.
8. If you feel the need to meditate, journal, go for a walk or rest - I encourage it.
Your Instructor
I lost our daughter, Loey, at 39 weeks. I lost our twins at 22 weeks. As a result, I lost myself and my health in years of infertility and miscarriages. I never expected my life to endure so much loss - nobody does, but I have redefined my life WITH LOSS - a life filled with new traditions, purpose, understanding, self-care, clarity, and moments of joy.
Don't get me wrong, I NEVER rsvp'd to this party. I didn't want this new life or this new normal, but I'm living it and I'm doing my best to live it to the fullest. I believe it's not what happens to us that makes us stronger, it's what we choose to do after that does.
As a trauma informed Life Coach, NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner my intention is to bring awareness and support around loss, so that we can remove the shame and fear around it, to let people know they are not alone, what they are feeling is normal, and it's okay to find moments of joy again.